Rub your hands together. Feel them get hot. What causes that? Is that heat thing like lightning without the snap crackle sizzle? Could it be in any way related?

Rub your hands together and now see how far you can move them apart and still feel something–heat, tingling, something like magic between your hands.

That feeling thing you do. It’s a kind of a sensing, isn’t it? It’s what Jedi Masters do and what some of the characters in the movie Avatar do. You can actually learn more about such sensing and develop skills to help you link in. One way is to study Reiki.

Maybe someone reading this feels a bit like you have magic hands or knows a child who is unusual. Maybe you see colors in the air around people. Maybe you pass people and you sense something coming from them–a vibe. Maybe you’d like to feel better or help others feel better–a parent or your dog or cat.

You never know, you might be a promising Jedi and this blog might be here to train you. It’s the beginning. It’s the hero’s call. Will you listen and answer?

If you’re curious or want to know more contact me, the POFFF Master, or find the lingo that’s you and leave a comment.

Imagining/ Mind Power: You can do it Avatar

Earthly & possible: Hawaii Reiki